现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会



正如我们在我们的 2月通讯, many construction projects anticipated for 2024 are awaiting release due to an uncertain economy. 因此, contractors are looking for ways to position themselves to take advantage of emerging opportunities while preserving their options. Many, we are finding, are turning to short-term and long-term rentals to fill that gap. In this edition of Experts Corner, our experts from 克伦茨却, 克里斯汀·帕尔默, 业务经理, and Rental Sales Representatives Brad Robinson and Andy Crowder, outline five advantages of choosing the rental option.

1. 更新的设备意味着更高的生产率.

Equipment has evolved significantly through the past decade. 有 最新的技术 on the job means lower costs, higher efficiency, and a more certain outcome.

克里斯廷: Our rental equipment has all the latest automation features, so the rental option allows our customers to take advantage of that without the CapEx investment in new equipment. For specific projects, they might want to use IMC features to be extremely precise about the work and avoid rework. Those features help them dive through those projects.

布莱德: The IMC automation platform provides a considerable advantage in project applications like grading. 当你做成绩的时候, 你第一次就把你的传球弄对了, 所以你不需要回去把它弄平. So, that reduces the number of hours you’re putting into it and helps get the project done more quickly.

2. Contractors need to transition their workforces to automated equipment.

建设 equipment is in a transition stage where automated features are rapidly becoming the industry standard for many project applications. Renting state-of-the-art equipment allows companies to introduce their operators to the 最新的技术 quickly. It also shortens the cycle of bringing new operators on board.

安迪: Equipment has changed, and that’s changing the operator’s job. Instead of using lasers and having somebody standing in a hole holding a stick, 例如, 一切都集成到机器中. One of the advantages of our program is that we have a support team that can advise on applying the IMC technology in specific job scenarios. So, we’re very hands-on in helping companies transition to the new operating environment.

Another aspect of this is that it’s hard to find skilled tradespeople nowadays. The IMC features enable a person with minimal training to take on more challenging jobs. So, it shortens the onboarding cycle for new operators as well.

3. Rentals allow contractors to bid on more projects.

Many specs have very specific requirements that can only be met with the latest equipment. Rentals allow companies to bid on these projects without tying up capital.

克里斯廷: Many of the contracts out there have various ESG requirements, especially for large companies and municipalities. So, it would be best to have the latest equipment to meet those requirements. 新设备的燃油效率更高. We’re also getting more demand for hybrid machines from contractors wanting to bid on those projects—that’s one area where we expect a lot of growth.

布莱德: The rental option keeps the asset off the customer’s books. They’re still able to use the technology, and part of that is reducing emissions. I’d also add that machines with automated grading are more efficient because you’re completing the work with fewer passes, which means lower fuel consumption and emissions.

4. 租赁补充你的车队在利基领域.

当工作高度专业化时, it’s hard to match the productivity of equipment that’s designed for specific tasks. Rentals make it economical for companies to round off their fleets to gain that specialized functionality.

5. 租赁设备已准备就绪.

有了租赁选项, there’s no need to worry about sending a machine to the shop to get it ready – you know you’re getting the latest equipment with the latest upgrades, 完全准备好了,准备出发.

克里斯廷: We keep our rental equipment in top shape so that they’re job-ready at a moment’s notice. It also means that all the wear parts are all replaced well within the manufacturer’s spec, 所以你不会有失败或停机时间.

布莱德: The machines we rent out are also “technology ready” to connect to either a Topcon or a Trimble system. Rental equipment comes with full maintenance support almost anywhere in Canada, 这也涵盖了技术.


有 equipment you need for the job and knowing you can trust it to perform according to the manufacturer’s specifications is becoming essential amidst demanding clients and rising standards for equipment performance. 克伦茨却 enables companies to meet these exacting requirements immediately while preserving their capital options.

This article is part of the May 2024 edition of our Expert's Corner Monthly 新闻letter. 随时了解最新的见解, 趋势, and exclusive features directly delivered to your inbox. 现在就订阅 to receive our upcoming newsletters and stay connected with industry expertise and innovations.


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